Workshop Testimonials

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Soooo glad I did your workshop!

Becoming obsessed 😉 i’m watching my body when walking, standing, moving, sleeping, correcting like 1 million times a day i feel all these subtle and less subtle changes in my body, less pain 🙂 a tiny bit more movement in the thoracic. And the degenerated hip feels better. Me happy puppy!

Loving your book. It’s very clear, practical en written w/ humor.

Linda W Amsterdam, The Netherlands June 10, 2017

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned. It’s the kind of work that really makes me feel like I’m making a difference to other’s quality of life.

Joanne W Vancouver November 27, 2015

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I love how Karena shares her experiences which explains and incorporates the theories

Anonymous Survey Jakarta, Indonesia March 28, 2017

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

I just wanted to thank you so much for hosting/instructing this workshop. It really brought your book Scolio-Pilates to life for me. It was wonderful to have so many models and fellow Pilates instructors and Physical Therapists who were hungry to find out more about Scoliosis. Thank you too for giving me tips on how to approach my mom’s scoliosis/osteoporosis. She’ll be visiting in 3 weeks and I don’t feel so nervous about helping her. Again, thanks so much, looking forward to another workshop hopefully in the future.

Vicki K November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

This is a great workshop to understand the reality , history and ways to help clients living with scoliosis. She is a great lady and has a very “hands on” approach.

Marie Josée T South Carolina November 27, 2015

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I have more confidence now in working with scoliotic clientes. I better understand the purpose and benefit of specific exercises.

Anonymous Survey Jakarta, Indonesia March 28, 2017

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Hi Karena,

I would like to thank you for a wonderful workshop in Den Haag!

Your work is so innovative and original.

You are truly a unique  combination of scientist and artist in one person.

Your way of teaching and leading the group was so inspiring. Fully present in each moment with both kindness and humor. (Mia and I were even more impressed when we looked up the time difference between California and Holland).

I am so grateful to you for making me almost pain free in one session.

It still works!!!

What is complicated to understand my body got immediately.

Take the best care of yourself!


Who is still walking on clouds 🙂

Kristina M.O. Stockholm, Sweden June 10, 2017

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

I am so glad that I attended your excellent seminar! I would sacrifice a Friday the 13th anytime!!  My hope is that you will continue with spreading your knowledge and experience globally and I wish you much success!! Hopefully, after some practice will continue on the Advanced or even repeat this course. I am encouraging my coworkers (other physical therapists) to take the course also.

Eltheia S California November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

I would highly recommend. Clear, easy to utilize with clients.  Good presentation.

Anonymous Workshop Survey November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

Thank you so much again for an awesome weekend of learning at Absolute Pilates. I so enjoyed the workshop and have a greater sense of confidence in my ability to properly apply corrections as well as modify Pilates exercises for my clients with Scoliosis. I look forward to supporting your mission of making Scolio-Pilates available to anyone who lives with scoliosis and gain credibility with the medical industry in your valuable contributions to patient wellness.

Cathy F South Carolina November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

I am even more convinced after meeting you and experiencing your training this past weekend, that most times, healing is a simple matter. Pain can help guide how we approach wellness, and that our bodies do heal.Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for helping in my journey to understand connections. And especially, Thank you (and John) for your open and caring commitment.

Gerolyn W Virginia November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

I so enjoyed your ScolioPilates class and have had opportunities to apply to patients in the physical therapy clinic!

Eltheia S California November 27, 2015

The Pilates Golf Athlete Workshop

Thanks again for everything and I am serious about talking with you about your mentorship program, if you consider me a worthy candidate. Working with your insight has totally changed the way I look myself at my bodies (those before me). My Pilates is now much more precise. I am so appreciative. Can’t wait to learn more!

Kathy B California November 27, 2015

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

I LOVED this workshop and would highly recommend it to other practitioners. I look forward to applying what I learned with my clients.

Anonymous Workshop Survey November 27, 2015

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

Thank you so much for sharing with us.  We all really enjoyed it and you!!! I look forward to being able to bring you back again some time next year.

Anonymous Workshop Survey November 27, 2015

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The information and the explanation of all work is fantastic. As is having so many models to work with. Thank you, Models!

Anonymous Survey Houston, Texas March 28, 2017

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

I was very inspired by your workshop and look forward to attending future workshops with you.  Thank you helping us grow in our pilates practice.

Jennifer R California November 27, 2015

Continuing Education for Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists

Your workshop was life changing for me.  I’m stunned at how much better my back feels already and I don’t know what I’m doing yet!  But really, your kindness and understanding of how it feels to have scoliosis was the best part.  This is the first time I felt like someone really “got it” AND could help.  I can’t thank you enough for that.

Nancy B New York November 27, 2015

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