“Maia [Scoliosis Super Model] is an awesome student & you are a fabulous teacher!” – JC
“Thank you very much Karena! I appreciated the calm and measured pace you maintained, your willingness to field questions and ability help us all stay present. Transitioning to an online format must be challenging, but I value the opportunity to learn from you that it has afforded me. Susannah and I both very much enjoyed the course” – AB
Welcome to your Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship!
We are thrilled that you are applying to be part of our team.
Did you see our page on becoming an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner? Check it out!
The Scolio-Pilates Mentorship is a 4-day intensive study (24 hours of class time) of three-dimensional exercise for scoliosis for professionals in the field of exercise science. These professionals include, but are not limited to Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists.
To apply to this course you must:
- Be a professional in the field of movement: Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor, yoga instructor, or other movement or body therapist (massage therapists are welcome!).
- Complete the Scolio-Pilates Modules 1 and 2.
- Spend 6-12 months working with scoliosis clients/patients.
- Apply to Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship, by registering with the down payment for Module 3. Your application includes a detailed case study of your work with one scoliosis client/patient. A sample case study will be sent to you when you register for the course.
Included in Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship:
- Membership Fee. Your first year of Scolio-Pilates Professional Membership fee is included in your registration for Module 3.
This fee includes :- 1-hour of access to Karena for help and advice with clients/patients.
- Quarterly professional meetings where we will meet online to discuss all topics related to scoliosis. This professional meeting time is crucial for keeping us all up-to-date on what is happening in the field of scoliosis and exercise. The learning begins in the Mentorship classroom and continues in earnest as you take on more scoliosis clients and collaborate with your colleagues in the profession of scoliosis.
- Free registration to all Module 1 and 2 seminars including continuing education credits. You will be asked to volunteer at these seminars to help answer students’ questions during breakout sessions as well as help the Master Instructor with any help she/he may need with handing out items to students, preparing equipment, etc.
We would love to have you join the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship and Team. More help is needed around the world to support the underserved population of those living with scoliosis!
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can anyone attend Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship, and be an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner?
No, to be anAuthorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner, you must be a professional in your field of movement or therapeutic exercise. Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists are acceptable professions. If you are a professional in some other form of movement or health management techniques, please just ask us about attendance. Email: [email protected].
- What is the process for becoming an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner?
You must first attend Scolio-Pilates Module 1, followed by the Scolio-Pilates Module 2. After attending these two courses, you can register for the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship. There must be 6-12 months between your Scolio-Pilates Module 2 and your Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship, so that you have time to practice what you learned in your first two modules. When you register for Scolio-Pilates Module 3, you will receive a sample case study that you will use as a model to complete your own case study. This case study is part of your application to attend Scolio-Pilates Module 3. When your application is accepted, you can then attend the Mentorship. After Module 3, you will have more work to do to complete your case study. - What is the case study?
The case study is essentially a very thorough report of the work you performed with one scoliosis client/patient. You will see this client for 10 visits and report on what you did, progress you made, questions you have, and where you want to go next with this client. Please see the sample case study to help you perform this task. - What are the benefits of being an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner?
There are many. Just to name a few, you will be part of an active Facebook group where you can ask questions of Karena or the other practitioners to help you when you run into questions or need advice with clients or patients. You will be part of a quarterly online meeting to refresh your knowledge and skills of scoliosis and Scolio-Pilates. You will be invited to assist at Scolio-Pilates Modules 1, 2 and 3. Eventually, you may even be eligible to teach the Scolio-Pilates Modules 1 and 2, through our advanced teacher training program.
- From a business point-of-view, is there a need to help those with scoliosis?
Yes, and YES! This is a very under-served population. For several of our practitioners, once they begin seeing scoliosis clients, it becomes the biggest percentage of their clientele. We need more practitioners with a passion for serving this underserved population! - Is it going to be fun or REALLY fun?
It’s going to be REALLY fun! It’s also going to be a lot of work. Be ready! Bring your critical thinking and your questions. The entire journey of becoming an Authorized Scolio-Piates Practitioner, can be just over a year-long process, but the rewards are great.
Learn more about the process of becoming an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner here.
“I just want to thank you for all of the work you have done, and continue to do. I do not personally have scoliosis, but I have worked with many clients over the years that do. Your work and information has educated me in a way that allows me to give my clients an appreciation for their bodies, belief that change is possible, and an improvement in their day to day quality of life. Thank you so much.” – SC
Just wanted to let you know that Scolio-Pilates has had a major impact on my life. Today I was measuring my kids height and measured myself. I grew 1.5 inches!!! 2.5 years ago when I went to the doctor for my back (when I was in pain) I was at 5’6, I had shrunk 1 inch and he said it is normal with time the rods tend to bend. Today I was 5’7″ and a half! Half an inch taller than I ever was. The impact you have had on my life is beyond words, thank you!!! Can’t wait to get on my own path of helping people feel better!” – NW [NW began as a client and is studying to be a Scolio-Pilates Practitioner]
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