Client Testimonials

We know taking the plunge into something new can be a little scary. Here are a few clients that may help you decide what’s best for you.



Scolio-Pilates has given me the tools to understand and manage my spinal curves with corrective alignment, propping, and exercises. Learning about my own spinal curves and how to care for my unique spinal curves has been empowering. Everyday I incorporate what I have learned into how I sit, walk, and sleep so that many movements or positions are helping to establish elongation in my spine. Rather than feeling broken and powerless or victimized, the work has opened up a space for positivity, possibility, and owning my care for myself all the way to my bones. The lessons I have learned have been life changing.

Anne Travis, Mississippi

Just wanted to let you know that Scolio-Pilates has had a major impact on my life. Today I was measuring my kid’s height and I measured myself. I grew 1 ½ inches!!! Two-and-a-half years ago when I went to the doctor for my back (I was in pain), I was at 5 feet, 6 inches. I had shrunk 1 inch and he said it is normal with time, that the rods tend to bend. Today, I was 5 feet, 7 ½ inches! Half an inch taller than I ever was. The impact you have had on my life is beyond words—thank you!!! Can’t wait to get on my own path of helping people feel better!

Nisreen Witt, California (Now studying to become a Scolio-Pilates Practitioner)

I underwent spinal fusion for scoliosis as an 18-year-old in 1997. I have been trying multiple treatments to manage pain and discomfort ever since. Scolio-Pilates has been a fantastic addition to my routine, which also includes physical therapy and massage. Not only has Scolio-Pilates improved my strength, mobility, and flexibility, but it has also given me an overall understanding of how to work with my curves and function on a day-to-day basis. I’m grateful to Scolio-Pilates for giving me options to better my life and I look forward to continuing my scolio-journey.

Allyson Jaffe, Washington, D.C.
KarenaClient Testimonials