Wedging C-Curve Scoliosis
This is the next step after watching, "What is a C-Curve Scoliosis?"
This is the next step after watching, "What is a C-Curve Scoliosis?"
Watch this after watching "What is 3 or 4 (S) Curve Scoliosis?"
Watch this after watching "What is 3 or 4 (S) Curve Scoliosis?"
Confused about curve types? 3 and 4-curves (S Curves) are explained here.
Confused about curve types? C-Curves are explained here.
Sit and Stay. Join Gus and Karena for seated corrections
Use a chair to assist you through your seated corrections.
Stuck sitting at a desk? First, elongate. Then do this.
You're only as young as your spine feels. Strengthen it!
Side-lying corrections are our favorite. Probably because they make the spine feel so darn good.
Learn to use the wedges to move your spine closer to neutral before you do any core strengthening.