I can’t express how much [daughter] and I enjoyed working with you and Gus T.!!! That was brilliant bringing him with you. Thank you!
Anonymous from Survey November 27, 2015
Hi Karena,
I would like to thank you for a wonderful workshop in Den Haag!
Your work is so innovative and original.
You are truly a unique combination of scientist and artist in one person.
Your way of teaching and leading the group was so inspiring. Fully present in each moment with both kindness and humor. (Mia and I were even more impressed when we looked up the time difference between California and Holland).
I am so grateful to you for making me almost pain free in one session.
It still works!!!
What is complicated to understand my body got immediately.
Take the best care of yourself!
Who is still walking on clouds
Kristina M.O. Stockholm, Sweden June 10, 2017
A year ago last September I was a volunteer Scolio-Pilates “model” at a three day seminar you held in Las Vegas, it was life changing for me. A week after the class, I googled Scoliosis Pilates Las Vegas and found one of the instructors who had attended. We connected and I’ve been his student ever since.. Troy Towns is a devoted follower of your training. He had told me you showed him an entirely new way of working with scoliosis clients. I am 67 with a 52 degree S curve (I actually brought my x-ray to the class and showed you). I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you and your incredible teachings. My husband is a pain management physician. He can’t get over how little I complain and how much better I feel..He, too, is grateful for Troy! I only wish you had someone in Minneapolis following your lead. I spend summers there and no one has a clue what Scolio-Pilates is!! I count the weeks until I get back to Las Vegas and can resume class with Troy. Thank you and God bless you…
Nancy G Nevada November 27, 2015
She is extremely knowledgeable but explained things very simply so that I understood what she was saying. She is also very caring. It was quite obvious that she was very concerned with helping me. And the whole experience was a lot of fun.
Gene S Illinois November 27, 2015
THANK YOU sooo much for the great notes for wedging, etc. HUGE help! I’m SOOO excited to let you know that I’m holding strong and the exercises you’ve set up for me are GREAT! wooohooo!!!!!
Jennifer B Ecuador November 27, 2015
Being an engineer, I think that we really know nothing about a subject unless we can measure it. So before I left for the trip to see Karena my daughter carefully marked my height on a piece of paper taped to the wall and also I measured the time it took for me to feel a pain level of 8 while standing unsupported. It took 30 seconds.When I returned from the trip, I measured two inches taller and was able to stand for 1 minute and 49 seconds before I reached a pain level of 8. Now, continuing the home exercise program on my own, I can stand for almost 5 minutes.
Gene S November 27, 2015
Thank YOU so much, Karena, for your beautiful work. Looking forward to the videos -and to continue our work together soon.
Anonymous Switzerland November 27, 2015
I was diagnosed with Scoliosis in February 2009. It is a progressive disease and has continued to get worse. I now have to use a cane or walker when I walk or stand. I tried physical therapy and acupuncture hoping to stop the pain and progression. Neither of them helped. My acupuncturist suggested I take Pilates lessons to strengthen my core. I did and that seemed to help. My Pilates instructor [in Illinois] told me about Karena. I looked her up on the Internet and was quite impressed. I am in very good health otherwise but this scoliosis is ruining my life so I decided to visit Karena to learn how to apply her experience to my Pilates program. I live in Illinois so I flew out to California to get ScolioPilates lessons from Karena. I spent the first three day having one hour lessons and then, the lessons were showing so much progress, I increased them to two hour lessons the last two days. Being an engineer, I think that we really know nothing about a subject unless we can measure it. So before I left for the trip to see Karena my daughter carefully marked my height on a piece of paper taped to the wall and also I measured the time it took for me to feel a pain level of 8 while standing unsupported. It took 30 seconds.When I returned from the trip, I measured two inches taller and was able to stand for 1 minute and 49 seconds before I reached a pain level of 8. Now, continuing on my own with a home exercise program that Karena set up for me, I am up to almost 5 minutes.
November 27, 2015
My 11-year-old daughter and I visited Karena from the Midwest. We went for a four day intensive and left with so much knowledge about my daughters curve. Not only did we learn great things…Karena put together a very manageable program to continue at home. She left California with great posture, confidence, and determination!
Rebecca D Kansas November 27, 2015