K2 Testimonials

The K2 is getting RAVE reviews from all my clients who try it! I’m sold out again. Can you send more ASAP? I just had to sell my own K2 to my last client.

Gwen M California November 27, 2015

Your new K2 Wedge allows for supported back extension and creates feedback for the client activation of the deep muscles, especially the transverse abdominals. K2 allows clients to get decompression of the spine in a very gentle way, not unlike hanging upside down on an inversion table.  Design advantages of K2 wedge enable space between the vertebrae, with a neutral pelvic posture, without the blood rushing to the client’s head!

Gerolyn W Virginia November 27, 2015

I do love your products. They are really helping my quality of life! Thank you so much!

Jill D Florida November 27, 2015

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Karena, You are inspiring and clearly an innovator. Thanks for your contribution to our industry, you are making a difference!!

Risa M Vancouver December 1, 2015

K2 Therapeutic Wedge for Back Pain

I have found the K2 to be extremely effective for elongation.  This is a wonderful new tool, especially for those that cannot use other forms of elongation such as hanging or inversion.  It is very gentle as it does not require any weight to be placed on the shoulders, and is easy to use.  I have found that it is effective for all populations, including those with healing shoulders, hypermobility, or osteoporosis.  The amount of shoulder strength required to hang from the hands often makes hanging challenging to hold long enough to get results.  In addition, my clients have told me that they feel more elongation in the Thoracic spine that the Lumbar spine while hanging, while the K2 addresses all areas of the spine.  Inversion tables are great, however I have also found that getting in and out of them can be challenging, and even harmful, while getting on and off the K2 is very simple. The danger of other forms of elongation for the hypermobile client is that they can easily overstretch, and the K2 provides a safe and comfortable environment to elongate the spine. In addition to its uses for elongation, it is also useful for semi-recumbent work, either prone or side-lying, for pregnant clients, providing a firm yet comfortable support.

Every client I have has tried the K2, and all have found it to be comfortable, even an instant relief in many cases.  This is a go-to piece of equipment that has made the task of finding a comfortable and accessible elongation for my clients easy!

Gwen M California November 27, 2015

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“The K2 works great. We may order a couple more for the department next year.” –David B,Physical Therapist for the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center, Instructor at the Mayo College of Medicine


August 20, 2019

Pilates Pillows for Scolio-Pilates and More! with Karena Thek

Thanks Karena! I’m so excited to get everything. Thanks for what you have done and helping make the industry a little bit better!!!

Dawn C Arizona November 27, 2015

K2 with prone elongation with Scolio Wedge

Thanks so much for your problem solving designs and your innovative teaching!  The books, videos, workshops, and equipment have really helped so many clients in my practice already.

Gerolyn W Virginia November 27, 2015

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KarenaK2 Testimonials