Yep, that’s the trouble with exercising outside. I attended a women’s retreat last weekend

My Outdoor Exercise Studio
and part of the homework was to perform 5 exercises every morning: preferably outside.
Exercising outside is a bit of a challenge for me. It’s not the exercises, it’s just the embarrassment of drawing so much attention to myself. Yes, I know, with the television appearances and just my personality in general you’d think I’d be okay with spinning on my head and shouting positive affirmations in public, but, No. Definitely–NO.
Days 1: The Experiment Begins. Day One, I did the exercises at the park across the street from my home with my two dogs in tow. That was not going to work: too many people.
Days 2, 3, 4 and 5: Much better. I found a secluded little alcove behind the park up in the trails. I could do my exercises, look into the canopy of the trees, watch the sun cresting the hill next to me and the dog wrangling was minimal. The Old Dog wandered on her own. The Puppy stayed tied to my wrist and ate dirt.
Day 6: A Little Commotion. When someone walks by on the high path next to ‘My Alcove’ you can barely see their heads bobbing along. It wasn’t until This Day that The Puppy noticed the floating heads and he bayed, howled and hollered at those heads. So with my tushie in the air, belly in the dirt or bum full or prickers the heads were pretty steadily gawking down into My Alcove.
Day 7: The Truck. Time to trim Live Oak #1,987 and to accomplish that task a City Truck drove right through my outdoor studio. I saw it coming when I was on my knees attempting a backbend. The Puppy howled and The Old Dog stormed the truck. I picked the sand out of my knees, brushed the prickers out of my bum, scratched my head to get rid of the any ants and grabbed those dogs and my dignity and went for a walk.
Maybe tomorrow, I’ll just stream my workout on the web and get the public shame over with.